Friday, July 11, 2014

To my friends please really try and 
understand that we are living with terror.
And it's not anything any country
in the world would tolerate .
Words like “escalation” assume that there
Is a moral equivalency on both
sides, and there is not.
Israel aims to protect its civilians, whereas Hamas,
a wholly-owned subsidiary of Iran,
uses kids as human shields .
Obama’s statements about this being about
Israel's occupation of Gaza are inaccurate 
and misleading .
Israel left Gaza in state-
ready condition over ten years ago. There
are simply no Jews in Gaza, let alone
an occupation . Hamas ,which is
now part of the Fatah government ,has 
called for the destruction of Israel in its charter. Since 2005 , when we pulled out
of Gaza, thousands of rockets have been
launched from Gaza into Israel.
So if you believe in Jewish sovereignty,
and the only country in the mid east 
with full rights for women, the
most educated Arab population in the mid east and a thriving democracy,
then I would ask you as friends to 
know that this is a critical moment for survival.
The IDF is doing all in its power to
minimize civilian casualty by calling and dropping leaflets . Hamas 
gathers kids to be used as human shields .
This is a culture of death.
You will hear the WH calling for restraint
as the bodies used as human shields
add up in Gaza . Personally this is tragic. 
And it can be stopped. The WH needs to
pressure Hamas to stop the rockets,
not pressure Israel to stop defending 
this assault against herself
Believe me, nothing is more important to
a Jew than a human life. 
It is a moment in time 
when the nature of evil must be seen for what it is: unsustainable, unacceptable and G-d help us if Israel
Is not we are not successful .
Jihad is not a mid east problem. It's 
a global one .
Please know it's so important to me that
you understand.


  1. Excellent! Looking forward to more from you!

  2. The lies keep mounting in the media and it is frightening how so many who otherwise might really care about truth, democracy, balance, and goodness are so quick to demonize Israel as responsible for the terror. Pure evil at work but an old, old story. May G-d help us all.

  3. HI Anna ,
    Thanks so much fro your comment. It really is a trying time. I believe in truth, and I believe in israel, both will prevail.
